This walkthrough will go through logging in to the portal and authorising employee timesheets end expenses.
You will be asked which email address you would like to use for the portal. The email address will be used when you log in, and it will be the email address that the portal sends updates and confirmation emails to. You will be provided with a password to use the first time you log in. You can use the Change Password menu option within the portal if you would like to change your password to one that you find easier to remember.
To log in to the portal enter your email address and password in to the login screen. If you use a secure computer then you can tick the Remember me next time box and you will be automatically logged in to the portal on subsequent visits. Then click the Go button to log in.
If you forget your password, a new password can be easily and quickly requested by clicking on Forgotten your password? A new password will be automatically emailed to you.
After logging in you are presented with the main menu.

Clicking on the Timesheets icon will take you through to the main Timesheets page.
On the Timesheets page the timesheets and expenses are listed under view all (where you can view and action any timesheets or expenses pending or previously approved. You can also view by status such as ‘Approved’, ‘Queried’ or ‘Awaiting Approval’. The number next to each group heading indicates the current number of items in that group. So in the example, there are currently 2 timesheets awaiting approval.

Clicking on the Timesheets icon will take you through to the main Timesheets page.
On the Timesheets page the timesheets and expenses are listed under view all (where you can view and action any timesheets or expenses pending or previously approved. You can also view by status such as ‘Approved’, ‘Queried’ or ‘Awaiting Approval’. The number next to each group heading indicates the current number of items in that group. So in the example, there are currently 2 timesheets awaiting approval.

Clicking on the Awaiting Approval button will display the list of timesheets requiring action.
The basic detail for each timesheet is provided in this list view. The full details of a timesheet are viewed by clicking on the icon in the Action column.

The details of the timesheet and any related expenses are displayed. There are three action buttons which are used to reject, query or approve the timesheet.

If there is more than 1 timesheet for approval. You can either select all timesheets pending by selecting ‘all’ and clicking ‘Approve Selected’, or for more details click ‘Action’ and approve individually as explained above.

Expenses can be approved in the same way by clicking and viewing. The candidates can upload receipts onto the portal for viewing.
If you navigate back to the home page you can also view your account details and update passwords.